First Up We Have…

Hubby + Wife Duo

Heyyyyo guys! Kaelyn here, if you’ve ever sent an inquiry or email, it’s probably been me who’s responded to you. While Kalani takes over the editing & creative aspect of our business, I am the keeper of the schedule and (self proclaimed) customer relations queen for the most part lol. I LOVE hearing about all of your love stories more than I could ever tell you. I love hearing about your families, where you came from, your partners, your pregnancies, and your upcoming wedding plans. I feel like friends from the first email. A little about us... Kalani and I were neighbors when we were little, so I’ve known him as long as I can remember. We used to play together when we were just babes, did our own things through middle & high school, and then we reconnected in our late teens. We SnapChatted (Good Lord… we’re aging ourselves) for 6 months, hung out as “ just friends”, and three side hugs later we were officially dating. Since then we’ve traveled, been fiances, had the most beautiful little blessing of a baby boy, and gotten married, all in that order. I know you guys got to know Kalani in his “About Me” page (and if you haven’t, go check it out— hubbs is the coolest!). Here’s a little about me… Along with working for our family photography business, I’m a labor and delivery nurse. I consider myself incredibly blessed to be with people on the most transformative & intimate days of their lives: the day they become newlyweds and the day they become parents. Outside of that I’m a momma. I love the color yellow because to me it is sunshine. I love reading but don’t have time for it. I’ll jam to a spin class but refuse to run unless I’m being chased. My family is the most important thing in the world to me and my friends come a very close second. Okay… I think I’ve talked your ear off enough. Nice to meet you all! We can’t wait connect with you, spend time with you, and capture some pretty incredible moments of your lives.

XOXO, Kaelyn


Q: Whats your walk up song?

A: Lose Yourself by Eminem; hands down. My dad and I used to blast old school rap and Eminem as we would pull out of elementary school pick up. Lose Yourself became part of my pre-game ritual when I played professional soccer in my late teens/ early 20s.

Q : What’s your favorite tattoo?

A: I have my son’s name on the knuckles of my left hand. This is by far my most meaningful tattoo, and I’m sure you could imagine why.

Q: What are the top 3 travel destinations that you’ve visited?

A: (1) Tahiti: I have been here twice to shoot surf photography. This place challenged me in ways I never expected. Beautiful place, beautiful culture. (2) Oahu: This is our second home. I have a bunch of family all over the island. If K & I ever relocated, you can bet it would be here. (3) Sweden: I played professional soccer here when I was 19. I did a lot of growing up here. I dream of taking Kaelyn, Knox, and any future kiddos we’re blessed with back here some day to show them the stadium I played at.

Q: If you had a super power what would it be?

A: This changed when I became a mumma. I used to want to be able to fly, but now I want to be Dash from the Incredibles. Do you even know how quickly the dishes would be done and the laundry would be put away?

Q: What’s your favorite dessert?

A: Chocolate ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING. Brownies & chocolate cheese cake have a special place on my personal food pyramid. *Hint Hint: The quickest way to my heart is absolutely through my tummy.

Q: What’s your favorite tattoo?

A: If you look really closely, behind my right ear, you’ll see the number 57. I got this after our son was born because it’s his birthday. It’s my sneakiest and most special tattoo.

Next We Have…

The Fam: featuring Knox & his trusty side kick Oaklee


Film Shooter: Ridge BenBen


My name is Ridge, and I’m a photographer from Dana Point, CA. Art kinda sucked me in around age 13 and ever since then it has been apart of my everyday life. My journey all started with pencils & paint brushes, but I've always pushed myself to explore other mediums. I found that photography is my strongest tool to help share my vision. I crave capturing stories and being able to re-share those important details that help others relive such meaningful times in their lives. I value authenticity above anything else and always try to develop my work by it. I have found shooting film to be one of the most accurate ways to capture all the special moments in ones life. There is something so natural & raw with the process of shooting film that allows us to live in the moment and not worry about what’s on the back of the camera.


Q: What’s your favorite tattoo?
A: My favorite tattoo on my body is a quote from a Billy Joel song, Vienna: “ Only fools are satisfied.” I truly believe you can always learn something new & find ways to improve anything in life. I relate to this a lot with my work as I’m always pushing my self to grow as an artist & find ways to improve my work.

Q: Whats your walk up song?
A: ANY Arctic monkeys song.

Q: What are the top 3 travel destinations that you’ve visited?
A: New Zealand…again. Switzerland & Brazil.

We look forward to meeting each and every one of you!
